“ Paul is our amazing photographer! I have worked with him across several different businesses for nearly 30 years now.
He is charming, great fun to work with and a talented photographer, who gets the best out of everyone and offers great advice to achieve the results we need for our corporate Photography. ”
He is charming, great fun to work with and a talented photographer, who gets the best out of everyone and offers great advice to achieve the results we need for our corporate Photography. ”
“ When I commission Paul for a shoot I know I am going to get an excellent result, no matter how challenging the location, the product or the client.
He has managed to create many a ‘silk purse out of a sows ear’ for me, and my clients have always been delighted with the results.
Paul is great with people and is able to push to get that little bit extra which moves the shoot from ‘good to great’.
I am happy to leave Paul to shoot on his own as he has a great eye for composition and always acts as a worthy ambassador for this agency.
His next job is on its way as I write! ”

Heidi Bannister MD
Arthur Edward Associates

Frank Murphy
CEO MVad, Milton Keynes