
Latest News

News from my activities over the last few months ….


3 years ago

Sunrise at the Ponte Vecchio ....

Was having a conversation on facebook about what a wonderful place Florence is to visit especially if you have an interest in art or photography, must dig out some ... See more

3 years ago

Live Zoom Classes With Simon Oliver Sensei Starting In Two Weeks..

#karate #appliedkarate #ryobukaikarate #simonoliversensei

3 years ago

When is work Not Really Work ?

As A Biker myself I Loved shooting this Catalogue For Frank Thomas Motorcycle clothing a few years ago! A great variety of Studio and location work.

#thebipp ... See more

3 years ago

Two Pints and a Packet of Crisps please! Just not the same at home is it 🙁

#craftbeer #realale #thealbionampthill

3 years ago

A Recent Portrait of Simon Oliver Sensei , 7th Dan JKR UK Head Instructor, A lifelong karate practitioner and A True Master of Close Quarter Combat.

#karate #appliedkarate #JKR

3 years ago

To say I'm missing this would be a massive understatement .. need a fix!

3 years ago
Photos from Paul Ives MA FBIPP - Photographer & Coach's post

I am very privileged to have been friends, trained with and photographed Willie through his Career.

35 years separate these portraits. The eyes still say it all!

3 years ago

Great time to get out in the local landscape.. This time of year the weather throws some great variations in light..

#landscape Photography
#stay local
#british institute of professional photography

3 years ago

No Words Needed...

3 years ago

12 Images For 2021. What why and when..

Day 12 - Stand For

Stand For is Charity Founded by Neil Tregarthen

It was hard to choose a final image for this little exercise, frankly i could post my ... See more

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